Wednesday, May 13, 2009


The coolest iPod, the latest laptop, the trendiest clothing, the fastest car, etc...
Does it satisfy? Give it two years, and what you have is either backdated, termed 'old-fashioned' or just too slow to be used anymore.

Can we help it? The pressure and desire to keep with the pace is stronger than the will power to be contented with what we have.

Here’s a scenario;
An average young working Malaysian has stronger spending power than their earning power. Therefore, the need to be ‘up-to-date’, to survive in today’s society becomes challenging, as if when one fails to plan, prioritize, they will fall into the problem of being debt.

Malaysian modern culture encourages the importance of ‘lifestyle’ but what would happen if we compromise financial stability with this ‘lifestyle’ that the media promotes?
I guess, we just have to be wiser in choosing what’s right for the long run. Temporal things are but… temporal.

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